Help Britain Breathe

Even though we can’t see it, air pollution affects our lives every day. Your child, who needs an inhaler to play football. Your father, who just suffered his first heart attack. It touches us all.
Dirty air is a health risk. Exposure to air pollution can prevent our children’s lungs from growing to full size and worsens existing conditions like asthma.
We can use our voices to fight for cleaner air.
Across the UK, from Plymouth to Edinburgh and Cardiff to Norwich, people are coming together to push for action by government to put our health first. Take a moment, get the facts and join the fight to #HelpBritainBreathe.
LET’S TAKE ACTIONPrivacy policy
Your personal information will be kept private and held securely by the Healthy Air Campaign We’re collecting your information so that we can let you know more about our campaign and what people are doing in your area. We also want to let you know more about Healthy Air Campaign partners’ clean air campaigns and to support you to take action locally. We will only hold your information for the duration of the project.
Thanks for signing up!
Please tell us a little bit more about yourself (check all that apply)
What you can do to reduce your exposure

What you can do to help